The silent forces behind the stories

We don’t just make animations that will make you quiet … we think with you. From concept development to sound design. Our team has everything you need to make your animated film a grandiose success.
We’d rather have a good conversation, than a big mouth. Taking a moment with you to reflect on the right starting points before we start running. That’s enlightening. And a lot more pleasant.

Rutger van de Wiel

Chief Creative

Andreia Dobrota

Moving Sculptress

Ramona Treffers

Incredible Designer

Jade van der Zalm

Magnificent Motionmaker

Timo Meijs

Animating All-rounder

Brent Vergeer

Cool Keyframer

Stagnation is progress

Stop. Stand still for a moment and look around you. Do you see everyone running and shouting? It’s tempting to join in if you want attention. But it is smarter to first take some time to calmly determine where you want to go, and what you want to say. After that, in fact, progress goes a lot faster.

Our animations do exactly the same for your story. They create a moment of awareness, reflection, clarification. We put your story in motion, with powerful images to reflect on. That way, your message comes across much better. And that without shouting.