AWVN makes big digital move and is ready for the future of work

The assignment

The Algemene Werkgeversvereniging Nederland (AWVN) helps employers with their (digital) challenges. To provide insight into AWVN’s many services and products, AWVN asked us to create several explainer animations,

Meanwhile, AWVN and IDS have had a close relationship, with IDS frequently providing a broad spectrum of content. From animations to infographics to a beautiful opening video of the annual congress in Royal theater Carré, and the opening video of the Centennial celebration due to the 100th anniversary of AWVN.


For stunning infographics, IDS is also the right place to be. Here are some examples of infographics we have designed for AWVN.


The visual content that IDS creates each year with great care and attention allows AWVN to communicate with its target audience in a clear, professional and accessible way. This adds to their (brand) awareness and gives context to complex information and a big boost to sales of their digital products. This ensures better bonding with their existing members, recruitment of new members, and an increase in customer satisfaction.