Attendant Console

The assignment

Attendant Console is a software application operated through the web browser to make answering and transferring calls easier, faster and more efficient. The folks at Anywhere365 asked IDS to explain this product in a beautiful and clear animation. We were only too happy to go with that!

The story

Growing your business also often means that more customer inquiries come in to your receptionist. And without context, it is often difficult to figure out exactly who and what the caller needs. Fortunately, there is Attendant Console! With Attendant Console for Microsoft Teams, you instantly have the right information about the caller at hand, before you’ve even answered the phone. Handy!

Storyboard & style
Once the script is finalized on paper, we begin the storyboard and add images to the text. We sketch out the scenes so you can get an idea of how the animation will go. We nicely matched the designs for the animation with the colors of Anywhere365. A unique and clear style developed especially for this story!
The result

A product briefly and clearly explained in a beautiful animated film. We are proud of it. Managing and handling multiple incoming phone calls has never been easier!