Pinball Unlimited
blowUP Art
blowUP art is a broad platform for contemporary artists and designers. A label from blowUP media that adds value to public spaces. Both visually and in terms of content. It creates an interaction between audience and art through visual emotional expressions and by engaging in local dialogue.
The concept / design
This also gave IDS Animation Studio the opportunity to showcase our creativity on the big and small screens of blowUP media.
We challenged ourselves to develop a visual concept that works not on 1 screen size, but on ALL of blowUP media’s diverse screen sizes.
Thus, the idea and design of Pinball Unlimited were born: a digital pinball machine designed not only to repeat endlessly in time, but also in space. … uhh WHAT!?
The animation is endlessly repeatable in both video length, and design (like a pattern).
Hard to explain, so be sure to check out the animation at the top of this page!
This way, we can crop the animation to any size, making it compatible with any screen.
On blowUP media’s large digital screens, Pinball Unlimited was shown throughout the country.