A nationwide network of healthcare reservists
The assignment
The masterful brand builders at Toffey asked us to create a series of animations for “de Nationale Zorgreserve”, the National Care Reserve (NZR). The NZR pairs healthcare reservists with healthcare organizations with a temporary need for assistance. Thus, during emergencies, they contribute to the continuity of care in the Netherlands.
The story
Each of the three videos has a different angle: in the main video, we explain what the NZR does. We outline several scenarios where there could be an acute shortage of healthcare workers and how the NZR provides the solution. The other two animations are specifically tailored for healthcare organizations and healthcare professionals, delving into more detail about how the network operates. We’ve also created social media versions for each video.
Storyboard & style
The storyboard showcases the addition of visuals to the text in sketch form. The storyboard is a very useful tool for discussing the visuals before we proceed to the actual development of designs and animations.
The result
In just one minute, the story of NZR comes to life, thanks to a lively and well-crafted animation, a captivating voice-over, and refined audio design. We are very happy with the final result!
The rest of the series
Also check out the other two animations and the social versions!