Privacy and Cookie Policy

Retained data

Your domain name and your e-mail address when you visit our web page.
Your email address if you post messages/questions on this website.
Your e-mail address if you communicate it to us.
All information related to the pages you have accessed on this site.
Any information you have voluntarily provided (e.g. research information and/or site registration).

Information use

To improve the content of our website.
To individualize the content and layout of our pages for each individual visitor.
To notify you of updates to our site.
The information is only used internally and is not passed on to other organizations for commercial purposes.

Cookie terms

To record your preferences.
To record information specific to you, such as the web pages you consulted to get to our site.
To record your past activities on the site in order to provide you with a better service on your next visit.
To customize the content and presentation of the site based on your browser type or other information sent by the browser.


If you do not wish to receive future emails from IDS Animation Studio, please contact us at the information below.

If you provide us with your mailing address via the web, you will only receive the information you requested at the address you have communicated to IDS Animation Studio.

If you provide IDS Animation Studio with your phone number via the web, IDS Animation Studio is only going to contact you by phone when necessary to inform you about the products or orders.

By email:

By phone: 013 581 0666


The information found on may be secure against copyright, trademark and other laws. The information sourced from this site is available free of charge and for the convenience of viewers. Animations may not be used without explicit permission of the IDS Animation Studio .
IDS Animation Studio strives to provide a high-quality online service. offer, therefore we will make errors made known to us as improve as soon as possible.
IDS Animation Studio reserves the right to make changes to the site without notice.