Thebe - modern (home) care in focus
The Customer
Thebe is a modern (home) care organization with an emphasis on self, home & technology. This includes modern forms of communication. Together we made a series of catchy animation videos.
Behind the Scenes
From the first sketch to dazzling images and sound. Step by step, we developed a complete custom animation with Thebe.
More animations
Naast deze prachtige 3D-animatie hebben we inmiddels al diverse andere animaties voor Thebe mogen maken, in verschillende stijlen.
What does Thebe think?
Jelitza Sol | Communications advisor at Thebe
"The collaboration was pleasant and professional. After the tuning phase, together we created a powerful end result: a beautiful 3D translation of our internal characters and a 3D animation video that is very well received by our colleagues. Compliments for the flexibility and patience during the process."