Let your story dance and sing

So that they walk backwards with it.

Make your story move

To stop them in their tracks.


We take pride in the work we create. Some of our projects:



Pinball | blowUP media

The Ordinary

Need an animation?

In 5 steps, we bring your story to life.
Check out our process here.

You yourself are a header

Why IDS?

3 reasons to partner with IDS.



Good stories make all the difference. Our seasoned copywriters elevate your story to the next level. Capture your viewer’s attention within ten seconds. That’s the goal. Every word counts!


No yes-men

That’s not who we are, and it wouldn’t benefit you either. We know what works, and what doesn’t. We don’t sweep that under the rug. Our advice comes from the head and from the heart.


Do you already have a sleek corporate identity lying around? We move with the frameworks. We push the boundaries, but sometimes color just outside the edges. Together towards the perfect visual expression!